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P4 Documents

Document Title: P4 Technical Description

Abstract: P4 version 4.0 is a formal linear procedural grammar for a simple, powerful, clear, and concise structured English Pseudo-code. P4’s unique balance of structure and flexibility makes it a perfect modeling tool for Engineers, Analysts and Developers .

p4 40.pdf 10-27-2009 105 KB
p4 10-27-2009 368 KB

Document Title: P4 Style Examples

Abstract: Five examples of P4 documents highlight the utility and versatility of P4. A lot of style documentation is packed into nine pages.

p4 style.pdf 11-06-2009 34 KB
p4 11-06-2009 88 KB

Document Title: P4, P4tex

Abstract: The P4 coloring scheme for use with the EditPad Pro 7 text editor. The LaTeX2e P4 document typesetter with keyword highlighting and full AMS Math capability.

p4.jgcscs 5-10-2014 2 KB
p4tex.tex 5-10-2014 4 KB





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